
Possession 2: One year later…

Wow, I knew it had been a while since the last post, but I didn’t realize it had been a year. Hold on, this is gonna be a long one.   For a while, I wasn’t really doing much work on Possession 2 at all. Actually, going by my notes, from May […]

Possession 2: Fun with Checkboxes

So much for pre-written posts preventing me from going months without a post. I could make excuses, I could call myself a garbage human being, but whatever. It is what it is. It just worries me, because I know that marketing is really what determines how well your game’s going […]

Possesion 2: November-March Update

It’s been almost five months since the last blog post, I guess we’re long past due for another one. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten nearly enough work done considering the amount of time that’s passed. In truth, missing my one-year deadline kind of bummed me out for a while, and then the holidays came […]

Possession 2: Where things stand

Well, still no progress on the “post every week” front. I started working on Possession 2 in November of last year. I’d hoped to get it out in less than a year, but things aren’t looking like that’s going to happen. Of course, January through April I was working 50+ hours […]