pixel art

Possession 2: Updates

These past few weeks have actually been very productive, last week especially. In fact, this past Sunday I actually worked pretty much a full 8-hour workday, which I don’t even know if I’ve ever done before on a personal project. Definitely not since I’ve been keeping track. I’ve completed animated […]

Possession 2: One year later…

Wow, I knew it had been a while since the last post, but I didn’t realize it had been a year. Hold on, this is gonna be a long one.   For a while, I wasn’t really doing much work on Possession 2 at all. Actually, going by my notes, from May […]

Possession 2: Programmer Art, and First New Creature!

As I mentioned earlier, I have someone working on graphics for the game, and hopefully I’ll be seeing what he’s done sometime this weekend. For the time being, though, I’ve made some quick little pixelly sprites on my own, to test the graphics code with (and also to make screenshots […]